Learn how to create your own virtual data art gallery.
All in R
Learn how to create your own virtual data art gallery.
Quickly and easily perform exploratory data analysis (EDA) on your individual data set or compare datasets in R with the Inspectdf function!
The pelotonR package provides users with simple access to the Peloton API data through R function calls.
A package which enables fast EDA and easy onboarding to ggplot through drag and drop charts
The Data Asset Exchange (DAX) offers easy navigation of open datasets for AI that are ready to use in enterprise AI applications.
Simple exploratory data analysis (EDA) using some very easy one line commands in R.
A quick tutorial showing how to use the tiktokrmd R package to display TikTok videos in .Rmd files and then serve them up on GitHub pages.
#BlackInDataWeek is a free, online data conference taking place November 16-21, 2020
It's a week-long celebration to (1) highlight the valuable work and experiences of Black people in the field of Data, (2) provide community, and (3) educational and professional resources.
Learn how to display your pretty R tables in GitHub by hosting your .Rmd html output with GitHub pages.
See which US states are most excited about Thanksgiving. Explore Google search popularity for the keyword “thanksgiving” using gTrendsR while creating easy US maps in R using the usmap package.
The big book of R is an open-source web page created by #rstats community member Oscar Baruffa. The page functions as an easy to navigate, one-stop shop for available books on the R programming language.
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R. Learn more at the website: https://lgellis.github.io/pelotonR/
Check out your twitter bot created in R by Thomas Serrano and shared by Bryan D Martin!
A tutorial demonstrating how to create geographical maps in R using ggmap. Technologies include: R, Watson Studio and IBM Cloud.
A few weeks ago, my tweet on the R patchwork package went nerd viral. I analyze the tweet performance and possible impact on the patchwork package downloads. I’ll arrange the resulting graphs with patchwork!
As a bonus, I’ll show y’all how I added an image to the patchwork layout by placing it within a ggplot graph and fixing the coordinates to avoid weird scaling issues.
Wishing all of my fellow data geeks a very happy holiday season. Celebrating by creating Holiday e-Card themed R graphs.
ATX GIS day is being held in Austin, TX on Nov 13 to celebrate the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data!
The gtrendsR package is an R package that can be used to programmatically gather and display Google trend information.
Which season of the bachelor really was the most dramatic ever? Analyze the relative popularity of the bachelor franchise seasons as measured by their google search traffic using R, gtrendsR, ggplot2, ggimage and gganimate!
Watson Studio - An easy and free hosted data science platform for R, Python and a wide range of AI, BI and ETL style activities.