Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
All in dataviz
Data Mishaps Night is a night where we embrace the messiness of data work. Whether you're a seasoned data practitioner or just starting out, there's something for everyone.
A brief review of the book “Chart Spark” by Alli Torban
The pelotonR package provides users with simple access to the Peloton API data through R function calls.
A package which enables fast EDA and easy onboarding to ggplot through drag and drop charts
The Data Asset Exchange (DAX) offers easy navigation of open datasets for AI that are ready to use in enterprise AI applications.
Data Illustrator is an easy and powerful data visualization tool that bridges the gap between traditional BI tools and design tools.
Market Cafe Mag is a beautiful and thought provoking magazine which showcases beautifully crafted data visualizations and information storytelling.
ATX GIS day is being held in Austin, TX on Nov 13 to celebrate the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data!
Apache Superset is an open-source data exploration, visualization and dashboarding tool designed with an easy to use, drag and drop style interface.
Watson Studio - An easy and free hosted data science platform for R, Python and a wide range of AI, BI and ETL style activities.
The magick package allows us to super easily work with images and animations in R!
Check out RAWGraphs! It is a data viz tool that facilitates the creation of sophisticated graphing techniques without the code.
Check out the website to discover a treasure trove of datasets made publicly available by the governments.
Check out the “From Data to Viz” website to learn more about common graph types, their use, caveats and how to create them.